«Στο τέλος θα θυμόμαστε, όχι τα λόγια των εχθρών μας, αλλά, την σιωπή των φίλων μας»

“Το ανάλογο αξίωμα της κοινωνικής μηχανικής είναι: Αν κάτι δεν έχει αναφερθεί, δεν συνέβη ποτέ”
"Σε Έναν Κόσμο Προπαγάνδας, Η Αλήθεια Είναι Πάντα Μια Συνωμοσία"
"Το Ποιο Επικίνδυνο Από Όλα Τα Ηθικά Διλήμματα Είναι Όταν, Είμαστε Υποχρεωμένοι Να Κρύβουμε Την Αλήθεια Για Να Βοηθήσουμε Την Αλήθεια Να Νικήσει"

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations-Tavistock Ινστιτούτο των ανθρωπίνων σχέσεων από τον Δρ John Coleman

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Dr. John Coleman, Dr. John Coleman, the author of 15 books, the best known of which is Conspirators Hierarchy, The Committee of 300, was one of the the first writers to bring the world's attention to the existence of Tavistock, hitherto unknown to press and pundits alike, in a monograph published in 1969. Since his initial 1969 revelations concerning the pivotal role that Tavistock plays in shaping political, social, educational, and economic 'opinions', especially in the United States, more than a few writers of global conspiracy have attempted to place laurels upon their shoulders for revelations about Tavistock's key influence as the Mother of all Propaganda Ministries, while ignoring the fact that this pioneering work was first published by John Coleman. Dr. Coleman's new book, however, leaves no doubt as to who is the master and who are the students when it comes to the subject of Tavistock.


