“Το ανάλογο αξίωμα της κοινωνικής μηχανικής είναι: Αν κάτι δεν έχει αναφερθεί, δεν συνέβη ποτέ”
"Σε Έναν Κόσμο Προπαγάνδας, Η Αλήθεια Είναι Πάντα Μια Συνωμοσία"
"Το Ποιο Επικίνδυνο Από Όλα Τα Ηθικά Διλήμματα Είναι Όταν, Είμαστε Υποχρεωμένοι Να Κρύβουμε Την Αλήθεια Για Να Βοηθήσουμε Την Αλήθεια Να Νικήσει"

Why would the Cabalist Governor of Michigan, Esther Whitmer, ban people from buying seeds and American flags?

 Shoot the f**ker!

Obviously an insidious agenda is at play. Why would the Cabalist Governor of Michigan, Esther Whitmer, ban people from buying seeds and American flags.  What have they got to do with the virus? It is about undermining patriotism and personal independence. 

Why would healthy people be barred from attending church on Easter? Banned from sitting in their garden or walking alone on the beach. This has nothing to do with stopping a virus and everything to do with teaching that we have no rights. We are powerless. 

In a pandemic, you quarantine the sick, NOT the healthy.
