«Στο τέλος θα θυμόμαστε, όχι τα λόγια των εχθρών μας, αλλά, την σιωπή των φίλων μας»

“Το ανάλογο αξίωμα της κοινωνικής μηχανικής είναι: Αν κάτι δεν έχει αναφερθεί, δεν συνέβη ποτέ”
"Σε Έναν Κόσμο Προπαγάνδας, Η Αλήθεια Είναι Πάντα Μια Συνωμοσία"
"Το Ποιο Επικίνδυνο Από Όλα Τα Ηθικά Διλήμματα Είναι Όταν, Είμαστε Υποχρεωμένοι Να Κρύβουμε Την Αλήθεια Για Να Βοηθήσουμε Την Αλήθεια Να Νικήσει"

PEDOGATE: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened for Deep State and the C.I.A.

A Global Child Trafficking and Exploitation Crime Syndicate

The Cover Is Blown Off The CIA’s Ongoing Worldwide Pedo-Operation

PizzaGate Citizen’s Investigation Cyber-conference

State of the Nation

Special Note:

This important message is especially meant for members of the VOAT Pizzagate group, the Seen.life Pizzagate group, the former contributors to the Pizzagate sub-Reddit page, and the many citizen journalists, researchers and investigators dedicated to exposing Pizzagate truth. The following “Special Report” provides a big picture context that is necessary to correctly understand what Pizzagate is really all about. What has been uncovered thus far is certainly HUGE by any standard. However, compared to the global Pedogate crime syndicate, Pizzagate is just one of many similar pedophilia rings that dot the globe. The crucial point is that now that Pizzagate has been blown wide open as a CIA operation, it is time to direct precious time and attention to the many other pedophile scandals around the world. It should be understood that, wherever the C.I.A. is referred to in this report, Israel’s MOSSAD, the United Kingdom’s MI6, France’s DGSE and Saudi Arabia’s GID are also heavily involved in the same “Global Child Exploitation Crime Syndicate”. There are many other intelligence services around the world which closely monitor the national Pedogates occurring in their respective countries as well. Yes, Pizzagate is the key, but they have cleaned up that particular crime scene so much that further clues will be more difficult to unearth. That was the very purpose of the false flag gunman who showed up at Comet Ping Pong–to provide cover for law enforcement to scour the premises of any evidence that might be found by an on-site investigator. Nevertheless, every researcher and journalist ought to be aware that it is Pizzagate which will ultimately take down World Shadow Government that unlawfully and surreptitiously controls the US Government as well as every other major Western power.
PIZZAGATE: A Special Report on the Washington DC Pedophilia Scandal (Updated)
*Key Point: Pizzagate represents only a single American franchise within
a global child trafficking and exploitation operation known as Pedogate.

The Internet is now overwhelmed by misinformation, disinformation and false information about the Washington, D.C. scandal known primarily as Pizzagate.

This alarming report has been prepared to provide both the global context and additional perspective for concerned people throughout the entire planetary civilization. Pedogate is going on practically everywhere.

For newcomers to this subject material, it is especially urgent to read this entire “Special Report” so that the Pizzagate lexicon and Pedogate back story can be properly understood. We also highly recommend the following excellent ebook: PIZZAGATE FOR DUMMIES for those who are unfamiliar with the Pizzagate back story.

Pizzagate is Local, Pedogate is Global

Many have complained that Pizzagate should be called Pedogate.

In fact, Pizzagate is just one of many Pedogates occurring around the world at this very moment. As the title indicates, “Pizzagate Represents Only a Single American Franchise Within a Worldwide Child Trafficking Operation Known As Pedogate“.

It’s true that Pizzagate is a uniquely American franchise that operates primarily in Washington, D.C., but also includes operations in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and other major metropolitan areas.

There are many other Pedogates, which have nothing to do with Pizzagate, taking place all over America at this time. Are these related? Yes, some much more than others.

Where are the thousands of missing children in America?
