«Στο τέλος θα θυμόμαστε, όχι τα λόγια των εχθρών μας, αλλά, την σιωπή των φίλων μας»

“Το ανάλογο αξίωμα της κοινωνικής μηχανικής είναι: Αν κάτι δεν έχει αναφερθεί, δεν συνέβη ποτέ”
"Σε Έναν Κόσμο Προπαγάνδας, Η Αλήθεια Είναι Πάντα Μια Συνωμοσία"
"Το Ποιο Επικίνδυνο Από Όλα Τα Ηθικά Διλήμματα Είναι Όταν, Είμαστε Υποχρεωμένοι Να Κρύβουμε Την Αλήθεια Για Να Βοηθήσουμε Την Αλήθεια Να Νικήσει"

This makes Donald Trump's selection of James Woolsey as a Senior Advisor on National Security look like a very curious move

Trump Names Neocon as Senior Adviser on National Security?

Robert James Woolsey Jr. (born September 21, 1941) is a national security and energy specialist and former Director of Central Intelligence who headed the....

Central Intelligence Agency from February 5, 1993 until January 10, 1995. A lawyer by training and trade, he held a variety of government positions in the 1970s and 1980s, including as Under Secretary of the Navy from 1977 to 1979, and was involved in treaty negotiations with the Soviet Union for five years in the 1980s. His career also included time as a professional lawyer, venture capitalist and investor in the private sector.

OVNI : The Disclosure Project (VOSTFR) Version Complète

